Three Months Gone

I've been thinking about this challenge for sometime, years actually, but made a firm resolve in December. Being COVID, perhaps I let myself off the hook a little bit Not much for online shopping, going out less naturally means less exposure to things to buy. However, I thought this year would be opportune; optimistically, I was hoping for a vaccine and a chance of getting out a bit more. Wanting to be the change I wished to see in the world: rather than going back to our old patterns of mindless consumerism I thought it would be good to start with a clean slate valuing creation over consumption.
Three months in things haven't been difficult at all. Most of our purchasing has been spring/summer clothes for our daughter all of which has been thrifted (per the rules). I purchased a proper office chair in February, and buying used is the way to go in that department (I saved some $600). Aside from these few items we haven't needed anything, let alone anything new.
That's always the case though, we don't really need much of anything, and even less of it new. Once you hop off the treadmill you begin to realize just how rich life can be without a price tag.
photo Crawford Jolly