
In order to hold ourselves accountable and create some guidelines we have outlined the following 6 rules:
- We will not buy any new consumer goods
- Used goods are ok: thrift stores, garage sales, Kijiji, Craigslist
- Consumables such as food, toiletries and cleaning supplies are not consumer goods and are not counted
- Non consumable supplies such as paints, guitar strings, will be considered on a case by case basis
- Tools for repairing household items and appliances should be borrowed or purchased used any new purchases will be considered on a case by case basis and accounted on this blog
- Gifts are allowed*
- The period will last from January 1, 2021 to Jan 1, 2022
*Initially gifts were not allowed but we have people in our life who are likely to get us things regardless so it makes sense to be allowed for things we will actually use.
Anything within these rules does not need to be explained, however anything outside the bounds of these rules will be reported on this blog. This is largely for accountability and to illustrate how hard this challenge is. Even with, admittedly, fairly loose rules.